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  • Writer's pictureMatthew Siracusa

Elect Matt Siracusa for State Senate: Fighting Mandates Threatening Our Community's Charm

In the idyllic landscapes of our farm towns, nestled away from the hustle and bustle of city life, there's a charm that defines our communities. But recently, this charm has been under threat, and one major culprit is the imposition of state mandates without our town's consent. These mandates, particularly those enforced by the CT Siting Council regarding solar farm placements, are encroaching on our way of life and disturbing the peace of our bordering properties.

As concerned citizens, it's imperative that we take action to preserve the integrity of our towns and protect the rights of its residents. That's why I'm urging you to support and elect Matt Siracusa for State Senate District 3. Matt Siracusa is a Republican who is committed to fighting against these overreaching mandates and advocating for the interests of his constituents.

The issue at hand is not simply about solar farms; it's about the fundamental right of local communities to have a say in what happens within their borders. The CT Siting Council's actions disregard the wishes of our towns and impose developments that not only disrupt our landscape but also have potential implications for property values and environmental concerns.

By electing Matt Siracusa, we can send a clear message to Hartford that our communities will not stand idly by while decisions that affect us are made without our input. Matt understands the importance of local control and will work tirelessly to ensure that our voices are heard in the state legislature.

But Matt can't do it alone. He needs our support and our votes to make a difference. It's up to us to spread the word and mobilize our fellow residents to join us in this important cause. Together, we can soften the blow brought down on us from Hartford and reclaim our right to determine the future of our town.

In the upcoming election, let's make our voices heard loud and clear. Let's elect Matt Siracusa as our State Senator for District 3, and let's stand united in the fight against mandates that threaten the charm and character of our beloved towns.

In the meantime, if you would like to donate and sign for Matt's campaign, you can do so here:

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